Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ethical Ethics Utilitarian Ethics - 1834 Words

Utilitarian Ethics Abstract Ethics are a set of acceptable principles that guide the way individuals should act in a given situation. Utilitarian Ethics is morally right acts that bring the most happiness to individuals. For instance, utilitarian ethics main focus is happiness and what decision will produce the maximum amount of happiness for everyone involved. Jeremy Bentham believed that individuals were governed by two masters, which are pleasure and pain. The utility test helps individuals select the best outcome that will result in the most happiness and minimize pain or discomfort. Utilitarian Ethics Utilitarian Ethics is the theory that an action is morally right if and only if it produces at least as much good (utility) for†¦show more content†¦Key Utilitarian Ethical Problem Utilitarian Ethics is described as morally right action that brings the most joy to individuals. â€Å"Utilitarianism is generally held to be the view that the morally right action is the action that produces the most good† (Driver, 2009). The company from the case is the maker of transistors. The company is facing a key utilitarian ethical problem. The key ethical problem is the decision to sell their transistors to a company that manufactures and sells heart pacemakers. The company has had incidents and the company in the case is the only supplier left who is selling transistors to the pace making company. The company in the case is selling transistors to a company that manufactures pacemakers for the heart. The company producing the pacemakers is relatively new, and they have problems with the pacemakers. â€Å"Pacemaker technology is in its infancy. When doctors implant a pacemaker, the patient s normal heartbeat is disabled, and he or she relies entirely on the device. I f it fails, the patient s heart stops. Doctors are not very adept at installing the pacemakers, which are extremely delicate; there is even a story of a person yawning deeply, pulling the pacemaker wire in his chest, and dying† (Driver, 2009). In addition, the technology for the pacemakers is still in the beginning phase, and there is a greater

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